Olle Hulteberg
Chairman of the Board
as been part of Inission’s board since 2008. Olle is also a board member of Enedo Oyj. Not independent in relation to the company’s senior management and major shareholders. Holds a Master of Science in Engineering, Mechanical Engineering program from Chalmers University of Technology. Born in 1962.
Other assignments:
Board member and owner of IFF Konsult AB, chairman of Smartare Elektroniksystem, and board member of Lillänshamnens Fiskrökeri and Talent Plastics.
Current shareholding in Inission:
5,289,153 shares, of which 960,000 are Class A shares.
Margareta Alestig Johnson
Board Member, Vice Chairman
Has been a member of Inission’s Board since 2021. Independent in relation to the company’s senior management and major shareholders. Master’s degree in Economics from Örebro University. Born in 1961.
Other Board Assignments:
Chairman of the Board of Erik Thun AB. Board member and Chairman of the Audit Committee of Wallenius Wilhelmsen ASA, Board member of Brännehylte Lagersystem AB, Svenska Fribrevsbolaget AB, and Tjörns Sparbank.
Shareholding in Inission:
3,326 B-shares.
Hans Linnarson
Board Member
Has been a member of Inission’s Board since 2017. Independent in relation to the company’s senior management and major shareholders. Electrical Engineer and Bachelor of Arts. Hans has held various CEO roles in Swedish international industrial companies for more than 30 years, including CEO and Group CEO of Husqvarna AB. Born in 1952.
Other Board Assignments:
Chairman of the Board of Nibe Industrier AB, ELLWEE AB, HP Tronic AB, and NP Nilsson AB, Board member of Zinkteknik AB, Nordiska Plast AB, and Eolusvind AB.
Shareholding in Inission:
1,012 B-shares.
Mia Bökmark
Board Member
Has been a member of Inission’s Board since 2022. Independent in relation to the company’s senior management and major shareholders. Master of Science in Engineering from KTH and MBA from Gothenburg School of Business, Economics, and Law. Born in 1967.
Other Board Assignments:
Vice President for R&D and Product Management at Seco Tools AB, part of Sandvik AB. Chairwoman of Gunnars Båtturer och Charter AB.
Shareholding in Inission:
500 B-shares.
Henrik Molenius
Board Member
Has been a member of Inission’s Board since 2023. Independent in relation to the company’s senior management and major shareholders. Master’s degree in Economics from Karlstad University and a Global Executive MBA from Copenhagen Business School. Born in 1965.
Other Board Assignments:
Runs two of his own companies and is a Board member of, among others, J-O Johansson i Varberg AB, Ljungträ AB, Boda Såg i Dalarna AB, Booforsen Fastighets AB, Kontorsbolaget i Karlskoga AB, Strivo AB, and Sörmlands Sparbank AB.
Shareholding in Inission:
2,000 B-shares.
Fredrik Berghel
CEO (since 2021)
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology. Born in 1967.
Board Assignments:
CEO and Board member of FBM Consulting AB.
Shareholding in Inission:
4,763,012 shares, of which 440,012 are A-shares.
John Granlund
CFO & IR Manager (since 2023)
Master’s degree in Economics with Executive MBA from Gothenburg School of Business. Born in 1969.
Board Assignments:
Shareholding in Inission:
20,000 B-shares.
Charlotte Jansson
Chief Data Officer, CDO (since 2024)
Graduated Master of Science, Mc.S Chemistry, Uppsala University. Born 1982.
Board Assignments:
Axxe AS, Orderly People AB, RH Skogsservice AB.
Shareholding in Inission:
Mathias Larsson
Business Area Manager Inission EMS (since 2024)
MSc in mechanical engineering with a focus on production systems. Born in 1974.
Board assignments:
Shareholding in Inisson:
1,825 B shares.
Kalle Huittinen
Business Area Manager Enedo OEM (since 2023)
Degree in Industrial Economics and Management with an M.Sc from Tampere University of Technology. Born in 1971.
Board Assignments:
Chairman of the Board of Leino Cast Oy, Board member of Leino Group Oy, Leino Invest Oy.
Shareholding in Inission:
15,500 B-shares.
Jennie Johansson
Group Accounting Manager (since 2024)
Accounting Economist with a degree from Karlstad University. Born in 1978.
Board Assignments:
Shareholding in Inission:
Pernilla Löfkvist
Sustainability Coordinator (since 2024)
Strategic Sustainability Development and AI-Driven Sustainability Development, Business School Örebro and IHM. Born in 1968.
Board Assignments:
Shareholding in Inission:
Petra Bachmann
HR Manager (since 2024)
Degree in Personnel and Organizational Theory, Karlstad and Gothenburg University. Born in 1977.
Board Assignments:
Council member in Länsförsäkringar.
Shareholding in Inission:
The composition of the Nomination Committee has been established in accordance with the instructions adopted at the 2024 Annual General Meeting. This means that three members have been appointed by the three largest shareholders by voting power. The Nomination Committee for the 2025 Annual General Meeting consists of the following members:
Olle Hulteberg also serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Inission AB.
The Nomination Committee is tasked with preparing proposals for the 2025 Annual General Meeting regarding the Chair of the Meeting, Board members, and auditors, as well as remuneration for the Board, its committees, and the auditors.
Shareholders wishing to submit proposals to the Nomination Committee may do so in writing via email to olle.hulteberg@inission.com. To ensure the Nomination Committee can consider a proposal, it must be submitted well in advance of the notice of the Annual General Meeting.
At the Annual General Meeting on 2024-05-08, the auditing firm PwC was appointed as the Company’s auditor for the period until the end of the 2025 Annual General Meeting, with Authorized Auditor Martin Johansson as the lead auditor for the parent company. Martin Johansson was born in 1967 and his office is located at Torsgatan 21, Stockholm. As the auditor for the Swedish subsidiaries within the group, PwC has been appointed with Authorized Auditor Henrik Lindh as the lead auditor. Henrik Lindh was born in 1975 and his office is located at Hamntorget 1, Karlstad.
These articles of association were adopted at the Company’s Annual General Meeting on 2021-05-06.
View/Download articles of association.pdf
The Renumeration Committee consists of Olle Hulteberg (Chairman) and Hans Linnarson.
The Audit Committee consists of Margareta Alestig (Chair) and Henrik Molenius.
At Inission, we value transparency and integrity in all aspects of our operations. That’s why we have established a whistleblowing function, enabling our stakeholders to report suspected irregularities within Inission and its subsidiaries.
This function is intended for reporting incidents that violate laws, regulations, or our guidelines. By reporting, you help us identify and address misconduct, as well as prevent it from recurring. All reports are anonymous and handled by an independent external party.